Keratin Hair Treatments: Everything You Need To Know
The District was a scorching 90-degrees today, with a humidity index of 45% -- and over the coming weeks, it’s only going to get hotter....

Spring Hair Care, Tips and More
It’s no secret that dry, winter air can do damage to your hair and scalp. Although Daylight savings time is right around the corner, on...

Fall Hair Color Trends
The air is definitely getting colder and crisper, so it’s time to start dreaming of what kind of hair color you’re going to turn heads...

Brazilian Blowouts
It’s no secret that the Washington, DC area gets very humid in the summer — especially in August. If you’re having a lot of “messy bun”...

How to Manage Frizzy Hair
I had the pleasure this month of contributing to an informative and helpful blog post for Rachel E. H. Photography. The topic: What to do...

Balayage vs. Foil Highlights – What’s The Difference, And Which One is Right For Me?
Summer is in full swing, and that means a lot of people are looking to lighten up their hair to go along with the sunny skies and...

Should I Try One of These Hair Masks I Keep Hearing About?
One of the newest trends taking the hair industry by storm is hair masks. You’ve probably heard (and maybe even tried) facial masks, used...

What Can I Do About My Dry Scalp?
Dry, cold weather comes around every year—and often with it comes dry scalp. Some people experience it occasionally, and for some, it can...
New Year, New Hair Trends
It's officially 2018! Want a new, refreshing look? Check out 4 different hair trends for 2018! 1. Wet hair look The first new trend of...

How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?
If you are one to wash your hair every day, then you are in need of a huge change in your life! Washing your hair every day can be...